
Defeated in The Gates, Satan — in the form of the terrifying Mrs. Abernathy — returns to take vengeance against Samuel Johnson and his friends, including his faithful dachshund, Boswell, the minor demons Nurd and Wormwood, and the uniquely destructive Mr. Merriweather’s Elves.
This book is titled The Infernals in the US market, and Hell's Bells elsewhere.
The Infernals/ Hell's Bells
The Infernals/ Hell's Bells
Samuel Johnson and the faithful Boswell fight back against the resurgent forces of evil.

In Which We Find Ourselves in
Hell, but Only Temporarily, So
It’s Not All Bad News
THE PLACE GENERALLY REFERRED to as Hell but also known variously as Hades, the
Kingdom of Fire, Old Nick’s Place, 1 and assorted other names designed to indicate
that this is not somewhere in which you might want to spend eternity, let alone a short
vacation, was in a state of turmoil. Its ruler, its dark king, was unwell, and by “unwell”
I mean mad as a parade of March hares.
The source of all Evil, the ancient thing that hid itself in the darkest part of
Hell, also had many names, but his followers called him the Great Malevolence. He
wished for many things: he wished for every star in every universe to be snuffed out
like candle flames between his fingers; he wished for all beauty to cease to be; he
wished for cold, and blackness, and a great silence that would last forever.
Most of all, he wished for the end of mankind. He had grown weary of trying
to corrupt every human being, one by one, because it was time-consuming, and
frustrating, and a lot of human beings continued to defy him by being decent and
kind. While he hadn’t exactly decided to give up on his efforts entirely, it just seemed
easier to destroy the Earth and have done with it, and so he had come up with a plan.
At the time, it had seemed like a very good plan, and as far as the Great Malevolence
and his followers had been concerned, there was absolutely no way that it could go
wrong. None whatsoever. Not a chance. This plan positively and without a shadow of
a doubt could not fail.
Naturally, it failed spectacularly.
Now, for those of you who may not be entirely familiar with our story so far,
here is a chance for you to catch up. 2 When last we met, the Great Malevolence, aided
by the demon known as Ba’al, was trying to harness the power of the Large Hadron
Collider in order to open the gates of Hell and force his way into our world. The LHC
was a massive particle accelerator in Switzerland designed to re-create the moments
after the Big Bank that brought our universe into being. In other words, the LHC was
dealing with very primal forces indeed, and buried somewhere in those primal forces
was the seed of Evil. Thus it was that the Collider created a fissure between worlds,
and the Great Malevolence saw his chance.
Ba’al, his most trusted servant, passed through a portal connecting Hell to
Erath, and disguised itself as a woman named Mrs. Abernathy in Biddlecombe,
England, having first killed the original Mrs. Abernathy and taken on her appearance.
At the last minute, just as the Great Malevolence and his armies were about to take
over the Earth, Mrs. Abernathy’s plans were spoiled by a small boy named Samuel
Johnson, his dachshund Boswell, and an inept, although well-meaning, demon named
Nurd, the Scourge of Five Deities. The Great Malevolence blamed Mrs. Abernathy for
this, and as a result was now refusing to meet with her, causing her much humiliation
and not a little concern for her future.
All clear? Good.
1 Not to be confused with St. Nick’s Place, which is the North Pole. You don’t want to make that
mistake, and end up selling your soul to Santa.
2 And by the way, what kind of person are you, reading the second part of a series before the first? I
mean, really? Do you put on your shoes before your socks, or put your pants on before your
underwear? Now the rest of the readers have to hang around, whistling and examining their
fingernails in a bored manner, while I give you special treatment. I bet you’re the sort who arrives
halfway through the movie, spilling your popcorn and standing on toes, then taps the bloke next to
you on the shoulder and says, “Have I missed anything?” It’s people like you who cause unrest . . .